
Sunday, December 14, 2008

What a wonderful day!

As hectic as Sundays usually are, today was wonderful and filled with the Spirit. We had a great church experience. God used me, unexpectedly, to show grace and love to a friend in great need (which was an amazing experience, thank you, Lord, for using me! I feel so undeserving of such a blessing).

Our house is clean, woohoo! I LOVE for the house to be clean when we leave town, so that our home is cozy and comfy when we get back.

I actually baked today, which was fun.

We had a wonderful small group time. God has put us with such a group of amazing people. I am absolutely humbled by it. And, we as talked about witnessing tonight, a little light bulb went off in my head (usually a sign that God is about to do something great), and He did.

On the way home, Ainsley said that she was afraid that she was going to die in her sleep tonight. Flashbacks rushed over me as I remembered lying awake so many nights as a child with that same fear. It was already an hour past her bed time, but I needed to talk to her more about this. I had bought her a bedtime prayer and devotion book for Christmas, but decided that tonight was the night to give it to her.

She opened it and, while she loves books, she wondered why I had let her open it tonight. We had an open and honest conversation about being anxious (she also developed a stomach ache right after telling us that she was afraid to die in her sleep). I explained to her that while I was growing up, no one ever told me who God was, and I spent so many nights worry what would happen if I died in my sleep. I told her that it took me a long time, but I finally turned my life over to Jesus and trusted Him with that.

I went on to tell her more about how much God loves her and how He will protect her and that He knows she is afraid. We read a story about how God uses our talents to service Him, and I used her piano recital at the nursing home as an example. How God had used her to brighten their day and give them something to look forward to and how happy they were to have children playing for and mingling with them. She said "Wow, God chose me for that?"

We ended in an emotional prayer. She actually broke down before God and asked for his help in not being scared. It was the most pure moment I have ever been a part of. It almost felt like she had accepted Christ tonight, although I am sure she is technically too young. It was amazing to be able to say to her what could have helped me as a child. She is so much like me, that it scares me sometimes, but it is also exciting in that I have some insight into her insecurities.

Thank you, Lord, for using me to witness to my daughter, to show her The Way, The Truth and The Light. Thank you for our friends and our family. Most of all, thank you for my wonderful husband who has unshakable faith and constantly reminds me to fully trust in You.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...I have tears in my eyes! What a special night...Ainsley is so blessed to have you and Austin. Your entry gave me chill bumps! I hope you have a wonderful time together in Mexico.
