God has blessed me far beyond what I ever thought was possible. He constantly reminded me when I was pregnant and so sick and even when I coded, that this child would be worth it all.
She has grown so much over the past few months (not height-wise, as she's STILL small), but in her personality. She is HILARIOUS (the other night she gave us her own American Idol audition which I will post the video to later), she is super smart and she is the most loving person I know. She loves so hard and with all of her heart.
This morning, she was on the announcements and since I couldn't be there, her Dad called so Austin and I could listen in. Her little voice is so confident. The Assistant Principal was playing the Aggie song (apparently the Aggies won last night), and Ainsley had to deliver the "thought of the day" after the Aggie song. So, she her part "A place for everything and everything in its place," and then shouts out a hugs "GO TEXAS TECH!" Of course, every adult in the office was laughing at her non-provoked taunting.
We also found out today that her teacher wants to give her an intelligence test. Ainsley has been extremely bored with the work in Kindergarten this year. I would not normally BOAST about intelligence, but she was preemie with heart and breathing problems that wasn't expected to even live. I did not take a single prenatal vitamin (except the ones they gave me via IV). She had very little oxygen through the birth process, she didn't walk until she was a year and a half old and had horrible reflux.
Anytime I get down, I look at my living miracle and just feel so blessed. Her sweet personality and her smarts are just icing on the cake!
6 years ago