Ahh, nothing like a good 'ol "moral" political discussion among family members. Yesterday, I was abruptly reminded why I don't discuss politics with family.
I can not get this all out of my head, so I'm going to try to release it.
First of all, NO, I would not personally choose abortion under any circumstance. I would not choose invitro fertilization either, because half of the "frozen embryos" are destroyed (which, to me, constitutes abortion, but right-ists fail to answer that because we all know lots of people with in our churches who have been through this procedure). However, I don't think that either party should be robbed of a clean medical procedure.
I mentioned that morals don't belong in politics and I was wrong. But if you are going to apply morals to politics, don't just pick and choose where it neatly fits for your personal beliefts, apply to all aspects of government.
How about the military? The Bible clearly says "THOU SHALT NOT KILL," but you right-ests try to avoid that. How about the fact that we are each others brothers and sisters and we are to take care of one another? Again, right-ests tend to avoid that, as well.
My personal point of view is that if you want to argue morals and politics, apply it across the board, not just in a rightEOUS, right-est way. How would Jesus REALLY want it to be?
6 years ago