Since I have a new layout, I should post.
Work has gone much better than I ever expected, which is definitely an answered prayer! Ains had some problems adjusting at first, but she is happy as can be now. We are still catching up financially, but I think when I finally have my own health insurance in December, we will be in much better shape. We are tired of being poor!!
My health has held up beautifully, until sometime last week. I had noticed that "rolling downhill" feeling and now I am pretty sure that I am back to being hypo. I am getting better at riding the roller coaster, but it is still frustrating. It is such a delicate balance of meds... Not enough thryoid, off the heart medicine, too much thyroid, back on the heart medicine. Not to mention the panic attacks and tiredness. I do not freak out near as bad as I used to, but yesterday I actually fell asleep at my desk, then went to my mom's hosue and slept as my nephew and daughter ran around screaming. My mom was amazed that I slept through it. :)
I go to the doctor today, so hopefully it is just an easy adjustment of my thyroid meds. Sometimes, I think that surgery would have been better than the radiation. But, it's a done deal, looking back does no good.
The one good thing is that during these yucky times, I do grow closer to God. I usually feel so icky and down that it's just Him and me trying to work through it. I was reminded yesterday to not get anxious and panicky about my health, just to be still and let Him heal me.